
In a recent study, the most common complaint across all sports players was back pain, with 62% of the participants affected.*

In all sports the back is crucial for posture and core stability, so when it's injured, you can end up missing crucial games or feeling a painful distraction during play.

Back pain tends fall into two categories:

  • NON-SPECIFIC: No known cause
  • MECHANICAL: The pain is likely to be caused by soft tissue, joints, or individual bones centred around the spine.
    Lumbago (lower back) is particularly susceptible to this pain which can refer pain to the legs and feet.
  • TYPES OF PAIN: Achy muscles, a stabbing sensation and pain that travels down your legs. This can often lead to reduced mobility and flexibility.
    In most cases back pain isn't caused by anything serious and will resolve itself within a few weeks to months.


  • Awkwardly twisting or bending
  • Lifting and carrying heavy items
  • Poor posture

    *study commissioned by Boxclever in 2018


Pain Relief Solutions

Helpful at home tips to ease the pain:


Simple back exercises and stretches can help reduce pain and improve movement. Your GP or physiotherapist will be able to provide support on those exercises that are appropriate for your condition.


Yoga, pilates, swimming and walking can also be beneficial for relieving symptoms and strengthening the core.

so when it's injured, you can end up missing crucial games or feeling a painful distraction during play.



Biofreeze provides fast acting and long lasting pain relief from sore muscles, back aches, sore joints and arthritis.

It works by overriding pain receptors before they reach the brain for processing. Instead, you'll feel a cooling sensation!

Biofreeze Spray for upper back application:

  • Easy application for hard to reach areas of the back.
  • Delivers the same relief when sprayed upside down.
  • A safe and effective alternative to oral pain killers.

Roll-On for the lumbago:

  • The massaging action of the roller ball can be used to stimulate trigger points in the affected area.
  • A no mess solution when travelling to and from matches.



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