WRIST pain

To move


  • Tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons) can arise as a result of injury or overuse.
  • Bursitis (the swelling and inflammation of the bursa). The bursa is a sac filled with fluid which forms under the skin, often over the joints which provides cushioning between the tendons and bones.



  • Wrist pain is common in people who are using ill-fitting equipment. For example tennis players who are using a racquet grip which is too small.
  • Some less experienced players may also have poor stroke ability. Tennis would quickly become repetitively strenuous through the wrist since play often requires significant power in deflecting and returning the ball.



pain relief Solution

Inflammation in the wrist can be alleviated by applying the commonly known RICE principle: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
  • Once any inflammation subsides, do some gentle mobilising exercises. Symptoms should improve within a few days. If not, it is recommended that you visit your GP for advice. Your doctor might also suggest wearing a splint or brace to support the wrist.

Suggested Treatment

Vulkan Classic offers two different wrist supports:

  • The longer wrist support covering the palm is ideal for those suffering with arthritis, recovering from a recent wrist injury or sprain and who may have residual discomfort and/or weakness.
  • The short wrist strap is recommended for those in the final stages of recovery who are attempting to return to sporting activities e.g. racquet sports. This shorter wrist support does not cover the palm area so is preferred for use with sports equipment where grip is important.



Vulkan's aerotherm properties within the neoprene fabric are designed to provide the therapeutic benefits of heat retention, whilst providing ventilation.


  • Suitable for alleviating pain from sprains, strains and arthritis.
  • Provides support during racquet sports.
  • Adjustable strap provides controlled compression.
  • Comfortable for everyday wear.